List of best sweets exclusively worth visiting and picking up as a gift, all checked by myself, mainly in Japan, but also from all over the world.

There are plenty of sweets shops at good level around you(that means not worth picking up), but there are not so many at extraordinary level worth visiting from afar. We just focus on only best sweets at best sweets shops. Will be updated continuously.


Fruit Garden Leeber 果実園リーベル




Zuccotto with cream full of juicy and rich peach covered by egg fragrant sponge. Jam  covering surface gives good accent.
ジューシーで濃厚な味わいの桃が大量に入ったしっとりしたクリームを、卵風味一杯のしっと りしたスポンジでカバーしたズコット。表面を覆う甘いジャムもアクセント。

Shop Data 

Area: 目黒(東京)、他   Meguro (Tokyo), etc

Shop Contacts:

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